Mapping Health Facilities in Rohingya Refugee Camps


Rohingya refugee camp outline: Humanitarian Data Exchange

Fire affected area at Rohingya refugee camp (March 2021): Humanitarian Data Exchange

Rohingya UNHCR population (March 2021): Humanitarian Data Exchange

Health facilities at Rohingya refugee camps (Nov-Dec 2017): Humanitarian Data Exchange


Datasets on health facilities in the Rohingya camps were extracted and layered on top of the refugee camp polygon. Rohingya population data from UNHCR was also extracted and placed as a layer. A polygon of a fire affected area was also added onto the map - this area within the refugee camps has unfortunately suffered from a massive fire this past March, resulting in enormous damage to numerous infrastructure, including healthcare facilities, and hundreds of casualties and displacement of Rohingya refugees. Numerous health sites within this fire affected area have been damaged or destroyed entirely.